Whether you've just confirmed your new arrival with a stick flashing double pink lines or just have baby on the brain, there are a myriad of things to consider at all stages of pregnancy. Here are some tips to make sure that you are prepared along the way.
Flushing toxins. Eating the right foods is absolutely essential, but why not take it one step further and flush out your liver with a de
tox? 3 to 6 months is ideal, but if you have a habit of eating not so healthy foods, you may want to start earlier. More information is available to you at your local Health Food Store.
Supplements: For some people eating a healthy diet with lots of greens, legumes, protein and nuts are enough. For others it is important to take supplements. In fact, women who do not get the recommended 1,000 to 1,500 mg of calcium a day can run the risk of having the baby take it from their bones. Find a multivitamin that not only has
folic acid and B12, but one that has iron, zinc, and vitamins A and E as well. Hypoallergenic and/or gluten free supplements are available if you have a sensitivity or allergies to consider. Again, check with your local Health Food Store for more info.
Breastfeeding. A child's immune
system is not properly formed until the age of 5. By breastfeeding your baby you are protecting your child...breast milk not only has the exact portion of fat and
carbs that a baby needs to thrive, but also has antibodies that help against viruses, meaning fewer colds, fewer
cavities and it can even prevent diaper rash. Breastfeeding is
unfortunately not an option for everyone...so if you are reading this and thinking, but...I can't...not to worry, there are formulas out there that you can rely on, just do some
research first.
courtesy of Viva magazine!