Saturday, January 18, 2014

The same amount of time...

When I tell my friends that I go to the gym 6 days a week, I always get the same response... "How do you find the time!!?"  I just want to gently remind you that we are all given the same amount of time.  We get to choose how to spend it.  I make the gym a part of my day, (our day, Reese and I) for the example it teaches my daughter.  I believe in putting healthy eating and exercise first and I want to share that with her.  Reese always has her first nap at home, and then she wakes up and we slowly get ready to go.  I'm not doing any classes right now...right now it's just important that we get there.  

What I get is much more than a workout.  It's peace of mind.  I am very fortunate that my gym daycare has two remarkable people, Matthew and Donna, who Reese just adores.  They are always there, 6 days a week...providing a fun, loving and safe environment for my daughter to play.  I love when I pick her up and learn that she has been playing with a 10 year old for over an hour.  She is creating friendships and learning so much.  And what I get is beyond the 30-45 minute cardio workout.  I get time for just me.  I get to read, respond to friends' texts, fb messages or emails or just zone out to music or TV.  And then, I get a shower.  And this is the best part.  

I encourage you to make more time for you.  

"Taking care of YOU makes you centered, not self-centered." - Organic Wisdom 

*Special thanks to Donna and Matthew with  JUMP! Child Care minding and to the happy welcoming staff at Goodlife Fitness, Burlington Mall...Jenn, Deep, Sarah (I think this is your name...with the pretty gold polish!!) and Crystal.