Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Zaida Baby breakfast

I posted a breakfast smoothie recipe recently that I tried, that is pretty intense.  Making a commitment to a smoothie every morning has resulted in a much easier way to start a day of great health.  The fruit always changes (didn't love the pear/apple concoction) depending what's in the fruit bowl, but here's this mornings....

  • strawberries
  • raspberries
  • 1 banana
  • a couple tablespoons of natural yogurt
  • 1 orange
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of  Shelled Flax Meal

And here's what my body/baby gets...

A rich source of vitamin C.  Essential for building collagen, which is the glue that holds us all together.  Aids with growth and repair (from cuts etc) and promotes healthy skin.  Also contains zinc.  Both also contribute to healthy defences and a good stress response.

*Just 3 or 4 strawberries provide a child's daily need of Vitamin C.

The richest source of a tannin called ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against the development of cancerous cells and supports the immune system.  Raspberries also contain manganese and vitamin C.  Manganese is essential for healthy skin, bones and cartilage, and also produces glucose to make energy.

*An easily digestible source of energy most children love.

The soluble fibre, pectin, in bananas help soothe upset tummies.  It's a good source of tryptophan (an amino acid), which the body converts to the calming, good mood hormone, serotonin.

*The easy digestibility makes them helpful for children with sensitive digestive systems.

Natural Yogurt
Full of protein and calcium and live bacterial cultures.  The bacteria is responsible for a strong immune system, aids in digestion and replenishes the intestines to maintain a healthy gut.  Lots of Vitamin B needed for balanced energy and temperament.

*Children might find it more appealing by adding it to smoothies.

Renowned for it's Vitamin C content, one of its many defence-boosting antioxidants.  Contains folic acid that is essential for proper growth, among other antiviral and antiallergenic properties.

*Freshly squeezed or whole fruit ensures that you get all the vitamins, minerals and fibre that oranges have to offer.

Flax Meal
Eash single serving (1 1/2 tbsp) provides your daily recommended intake of omega 3's. 

*The essential fats in Flaxseeds are vital to baby's brain and eyes.