Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Home Birth vs. Hospital

I realize that my decision to have a home birth is not for everyone.  And as a first time mom-to-be, I am certainly not an expert.  I can only make decisions based on what feels right for me, my partner, and my family...including my golden retriever, Mazzy Star.  But I've done the research.  And I've been told that walking into the local hospital means that I have a one in four shot of having a C-section.  And that's before stepping inside.  Yikes.  I've also been told that a home birth is as safe, if not safer than a hospital birth.  After watching "The Business of Being Born", and "Orgasmic Birth" as well as partaking in a seminar by Dr. Carly Wendler, (a licensed Naturopathic Doctor with a special interest and passion for perinatal health) called "Your Best Birth" I am convinced that home birth is the way for my family.

 I choose a home birth for many reasons.  We can light candles and listen to the spa channel (admittedly my favourite) and relax in our home.  Mazzy Star can be a part of the process.  Apparently dogs are quite sensitive around child birth and they, like children, make a better transition when they are part of the process.  Also, home birth is said to be less painful.  Here there's no chance of sensory overload and confusion with hospital policies and procedures.  High levels of stress can cause the vaginal sphincter to close.  And if it's closed, there's no way a baby is coming out!  

Some women have already challenged my decision, saying that I am crazy for going natural.  Here's the thing.  Women have been giving birth naturally for centuries.  Our bodies are amazing and when we take the drugs, we override our body's natural response.  We have to have trust in them.  And I trust mine.  I also trust my midwives, with whom I have built a connection.  One or both will be here, not some doctor I have never met before.  

I have also chosen to have a water birth.  Having a birthing tub encourages an easier birth for myself and will be a gentler welcome for my baby girl.  HypnoBirthing® Hamilton will be dropping the tub off before the holidays and will pick it up after the birth of my baby. In addition to birth tub rentals, they offer classes and counselling to families living in Hamilton and surrounding areas.  Their philosophy is to facilitate a peaceful, instinctive birth experience.  When I called to rent the birthing tub, I spoke with Lara, who was absolutely wonderful.  Her passion for birth and family was very apparent.

At just 27 weeks, I still have about 3 months to go.  I am loving every minute and every day is a miracle as my baby girl continues to dance around inside of me.  When her daddy has belly time, she reacts with wiggles and kicks at the sound of his voice.  The experience has been magical so far and I look forward to the rest of my positive pregnancy experience.

*For more information regarding Zaida Baby - My First Keepsake, or to book your Zaida Baby photoshoot, please email me at  Comments on this blog are also welcome.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The Importance of Prenatal Bonding.

By far, parents' voices are the top choice. This is how your baby learns about language. They can hear you talking to them. Medical research proves that an unborn baby is capable of responding to your voice. They are also capable of responding to love, and they are aware of how you feel about them. Creating a bond with your unborn baby is very important. It gives your baby a greater opportunity to be healthy and happy months before they are even born. Developing a prenatal bond will occur through conversations with your baby that contribute to feelings of love...and this translates into over-all well-being. When parents express love to their unborn baby, they are providing their baby with a warm, safe and nurturing place. This warm and safe place tells your unborn baby that they can trust you, and the world that awaits them.

Talking to your unborn baby will have a direct impact on the personality of your child. This is considered to be the time when your baby is at its peak...during construction in the womb. Thomas Verny, M.D., understands this importance:

If more pregnant women were to start communicating with their children it would represent a monumental beginning. Just imagine how you would feel alone in a room for six, seven or eight months without any emotional or intellectual stimulation. That is, more or less, the net effect of ignoring an unborn child. Obviously his emotional and intellectual needs are far more primitive than ours. The important point is that he has them. He has to feel loved and wanted just as urgently - perhaps even more urgently - than we do. He has to be talked to and thought of: otherwise his spirit and often his body, too, begin wilting. (Verny, M.D., Kelly, 1981).

Not everything a pregnant woman thinks, feels, or does will affect her child. Of course we are all only human and so there will almost definitely be times when a negative thought will cross our minds. As long as this is short term, your unborn baby will continue to thrive and grow. When it does get dangerous is when you become absorbed in your thoughts and separate from your baby. Your unborn baby needs love and attention and when he or she is able to get this from you, bonding will naturally occur. Through prenatal bonding you can impact the course of your baby's life, and that's an invaluable gift. 

*This article was written for Toronto4Kids - June 2008.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Zaida Baby breakfast

I posted a breakfast smoothie recipe recently that I tried, that is pretty intense.  Making a commitment to a smoothie every morning has resulted in a much easier way to start a day of great health.  The fruit always changes (didn't love the pear/apple concoction) depending what's in the fruit bowl, but here's this mornings....

  • strawberries
  • raspberries
  • 1 banana
  • a couple tablespoons of natural yogurt
  • 1 orange
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of  Shelled Flax Meal

And here's what my body/baby gets...

A rich source of vitamin C.  Essential for building collagen, which is the glue that holds us all together.  Aids with growth and repair (from cuts etc) and promotes healthy skin.  Also contains zinc.  Both also contribute to healthy defences and a good stress response.

*Just 3 or 4 strawberries provide a child's daily need of Vitamin C.

The richest source of a tannin called ellagic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect against the development of cancerous cells and supports the immune system.  Raspberries also contain manganese and vitamin C.  Manganese is essential for healthy skin, bones and cartilage, and also produces glucose to make energy.

*An easily digestible source of energy most children love.

The soluble fibre, pectin, in bananas help soothe upset tummies.  It's a good source of tryptophan (an amino acid), which the body converts to the calming, good mood hormone, serotonin.

*The easy digestibility makes them helpful for children with sensitive digestive systems.

Natural Yogurt
Full of protein and calcium and live bacterial cultures.  The bacteria is responsible for a strong immune system, aids in digestion and replenishes the intestines to maintain a healthy gut.  Lots of Vitamin B needed for balanced energy and temperament.

*Children might find it more appealing by adding it to smoothies.

Renowned for it's Vitamin C content, one of its many defence-boosting antioxidants.  Contains folic acid that is essential for proper growth, among other antiviral and antiallergenic properties.

*Freshly squeezed or whole fruit ensures that you get all the vitamins, minerals and fibre that oranges have to offer.

Flax Meal
Eash single serving (1 1/2 tbsp) provides your daily recommended intake of omega 3's. 

*The essential fats in Flaxseeds are vital to baby's brain and eyes. 

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Growing "MY" Zaida Baby

Recently I came across a book that I purchased last summer at a used book shop.  It's called "wonderfoods for kids" by Natalie Savona.  I knew then, that when I did have children, it was very important to me that my family lived a healthy lifestyle.  

Well, I've been excitedly discovering recipes that make children passionate about food.  I have been very thoughtful about introducing diverse fruits and vegetables already, but this book takes an approach to educating with every recipe.  For example, it discuses the importance of eating spinach, and then suggests pairing it with a Vitamin C rich food to help increase absorption (apparently we don't easily absorb the iron we get from eating spinach.  Huh).  I feel like this takes my commitment to healthy eating to a whole new level.  I can't believe how excited this book makes me.  haha. 

One thing that I am very curious to if I introduce these wonderfoods now, will my child grow up to crave healthy fruits and veggies??  

This comes from my partners LOVE for fast food.  Although he deserves so much credit here as he's made some remarkable changes to his diet.  One being a daily greens plus shake (we started together, but it is not approved for pregnancy) the other that he quit smoking, 11 days ago now.  Not wanting to be a dad who smokes and recognizing the important change for his and his families health, he chose to quit 'now' instead of 'later'.  I love this.  These changes make me SO proud.  But I found myself still puzzled by his addiction to cola and how easily he can talk himself into a Big Mac combo.  So, I had a conversation with his mother (love her to pieces) and she shared with me that she ate junk food through her entire pregnancy.  Huh.  Is there a connection here?  Well, I've decided to check it out.  I am going to start introducing these wonderfood recipes, with a focus on what nutrients I am passing on to my baby. 

*This idea is also inspired from a co-worker.  She said "I wish I could afford to shop at "Goodness Me" ( a new natural food market that just opened around the corner that I've been raving about).  And I thought to myself, "how can you afford NOT to".  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Zaida Baby - My First Pregnancy

At just over 13 weeks, I am experiencing pregnancy for the first time.  I love my baby bump...although I swear it looks like I'm having twins!  And I love how it's changed me.  Some would tell you that it's made me more direct and less patient...but when you see dreams coming true for yourself, you only naturally want to push others to their best.  This dream come true for what's YOUR dream?

One of the things that I have been super aware of, of course, is the food that I am putting into my body.  If it has no nutritional value, what is it doing for my baby?  My favourite snack is an organic apple with cheese and almonds, and my biggest pregnancy craving...Kiju's apple juice.  So refreshing!  (I wake up in the middle of the night for a glass!)  And here's a breakfast smoothie that I love...courtesy of Baby Gaga....ENJOY!!

Quick healthy breakfast

The breakfast smoothie (prep time: 5 - 10 min)
The easiest way to increase your morning nutrients is to blend fruits, veggies, nuts and cream together. Blending breaks down the vitamins and minerals for quicker absorption into your blood stream via your gut.
Directions: Blend 2 bananas, 1 cup plain yogurt, a celery stalk, a handful of baby spinach or kale leaves, 1 cup almonds, 1 cup full fat milk or cream, 2 oranges, a handful of grapes, two carrots and a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup… be creative and add other fruits or veggies if you have them.
What you get: Vitamin A, C, D, E, B12, K, potassium, magnesium, antioxidants, folic acid, iron, protein, calcium, long-term energy, eased digestion & bowel movements, plus plenty of fluids.