Thursday, September 18, 2008

76 New Testimonials for "My First Keepsake" !

"Zaida Baby - My First Keepsake" has received phenomenal feedback during the 'does mommy love it' contest giveaway!! 76 responses made it their most successful giveaway so far! I am truly excited after reading all of the comments. This is a giant step forward in bringing awareness to the topic of prenatal bonding....and one step closer in helping to produce a future generation of emotionally secure and healthy children.

Here are just a few of the responses...
and just a few more reasons to love "My First Keepsake!"

  • "I think it is gorgeous! It would be a great present for the arrival of our son sometime in the next few weeks! I love the stuff you girls find. Keep up the good work!"
  • "this book is fabulous! i would love to have it!"
  • "I love the idea of having a classy baby book that can be kept out all the time!"
  • "My niece is expecting her first baby. I would love to give her this. Thank you so much!"
  • "This book is gorgeous! It’s so ‘hip’ compared to the other boring pink or blue books out there. LOVE IT!!"
  • "I would love to get this book for my stepson who is expecting his first child in January."
  • "i love this book and need one for the new one on the way!"
  • "I wish there would have been something like this when my daughter was born (she’s 4 now). I have someone special in mind if I win this. thanks so much."
  • "love it !! would be ‘fortunate’ to win this ‘gift’ ! my baby arrives in 5 weeks !! i will pass along the info. btw- ‘mommy LOVES your site’."
  • "The book looks so lovely and chic."
  • "I’d love to give this beautiful book to my daughter for her baby!"

Congratulations to Mary Jenkins! She replied..."You’ve sold me on it! My daughter is about to turn one, but I’d love to chop up the old baby book and paste it in the zaida book!"
Well Mary, it looks like you have a new project on your hands! Have fun...and it'll make a great bedtime storybook too.

"My First Keepsake" can be purchased at the following local retailers: Chapters, Angel Worn, Room for Two, The Baby Depot, Nursery Rhymes and Is this Chair Taken.

"My First Keepsake" can also be purchased online. Click here to order your copy today!
(and you don't need a paypal account to order!)

Friday, September 5, 2008

'Back to School Press for "My First Keepsake"'

Who says that you need to be outside of the womb to learn? Just because you don't have a school age child, doesn't mean that you have to wait until your child is 4 years old and off to kindergarten before you begin educating them. Medical research proves that unborn babies are capable of learning before they are born. This is considered to be the time when your baby is at its peak.