Sunday, July 14, 2013

Living Dairy Free

I'm living dairy free for my daughter. It's been almost 5 months now (with the exception of the awful reminder when I accidentally ate a wicked Thai soup that contained dairy IN ADDITION to coconut milk. I hate to say it was almost worth it.) Giving up dairy is easily the hardest thing I have ever done. If you know me well enough, you know that I can eat an entire cheesecake. If you know me really well, you've seen me do it. Lol 

By eliminating this for Reese she has been a different person. A pleasant, comfortable, sweet little girl no longer bothered by an upset belly and gas (she farts like her father!) And the unexpected side effect...I feel SO much better.  

Breastfeeding has inspired me to be super healthy.  Eating nuts and seeds and lots of fruits and veggies...a favourite lunch is a tuna sandwich mixed with Dijon mustard and vegan mayo, celery, onion, pickle, fresh dill, fresh basil and fresh chives.  I also have at least one salad a day topped with walnuts, dried cranberries, goat cheese, fresh dill, fresh basil and fresh parsley.  Sometimes I top it with tofu or chicken sprinkled  with tumeric (we should put this on everything!) I love food and I love to eat and I have come to really master living without dairy.  Breakfast was granola with Brazil nuts, almond milk and a coconut 'yogurt' drizzled with agave nectar.  I'm living the good life.  And I know that Reese is grateful.  I love knowing that she is getting some pretty amazing breast milk.  Oh, and I'm 2 pounds smaller now than before getting pregnant.  This is a huge plus as I only get to the gym one day a week right now!

*If you want to know more or go for a grocery shop together let me know!  I'd love to share more of my favourite things with you.  Email 

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